Hawaiian Style Poke Recipe
Our neighbor caught his first big Ahi of the season, a 150 lb monster that he generously shared with us earlier this week. He gave us three nice sized slabs that would have cost us over $40 in a grocery store. Mahalo braddah!!!
And what better way to eat fresh Ahi then to make poke? So here's our version of an easy Hawaiian Style Poke.
- 1 lb Fresh Ahi Tuna cut into bite sized pieces
- Hawaiian Salt to taste
- 1-2 tsp Inamona (Roasted Kukui Nut)
- 1/2 cup Fresh Limu Kohu (Red Seaweed) that has been thoroughly washed and chopped up
- 1 Hawaiian Chili minced
- 2-3 Green onions chopped
- 1/4 chopped Maui onion (Any white onion will do if no more Maui)
Simply toss all the ingredients in a bowl and mix.
If you like shoyu style poke, you can simply add 1/4 cup shoyu and 2 tbsp sesame oil to the mixture above.
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